
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2021

1- Introducción-Introduction

      El ingles al igual que el español, es un idioma que cuenta con una partícula gramática que tiene una gran utilidad al expresarnos y llega a ser tan importante como cualquier otra palabra o hasta mas, algunas vez has escuchado la frase i will put up with him, y te has preguntado si en verdad esta diciendo que ¿con el lo pondrá arriba?, pues no tiene mucho sentido de por si, o has escuchado algunas de estas palabras in, on, at seguro que algunas vez las has escuchado pues son palabras relativamente comunes pero tendemos a no saber usarlas o al menos aquellas personas que están aprendiendo el idioma, o estas otras by, of, from, up, suelen ser bastante confusas, a pesar de ser pequeñas cuentan con diversos significados otorgados por el contexto de la oración y al jugar un papel tan grande y a su vez ser tan cortas en muchos casos generan un gran problema en el listening, o la practica auditiva del ingles, tal vez ahora te estés preguntando ¿ cual es esta partícula gramática? estas so

2- Contents

Definition of prepositions      Prepositions, as in a large number of languages, are sometimes small words that fulfill the function of joining sentences, giving them meaning by connecting verbs with nouns, etc. They are used in all daily conversations and are an essential part of English, there are many prepositions, some of the best known are "With, at, by, to, in, for, from, of, on" being thus clearer the fact that they are very used and useful when communicating Applications of prepositions      These words connect a noun or substitute noun with another, in other cases they serve us to join verbs with nouns and specify a location, that is, they help us to locate or point out actions, these are known as prepositions of place, and are normally placed behind the main verb, helping us to describe where an action happens or where something is found, in a specific case we have 3 in particular that serve to indicate a time such as "at, in, on" and are used for example

3- Day of the virgin of the Divine Shepherd

 ¿What is it?      Normally we know her as the divine shepherd but it is correctly said "the mother of the divine shepherd" it is a celebration. What happens on February 14 in the Lara state of Venezuela, more precisely in the state capital, Barquisimeto, this is where this great celebration takes place where the Marian invocation "the divine shepherd" will come to the Marian invocation, according to the church, a Marian invocation It is a regional image of the Virgin Mary, something similar to an alternate figure of the Virgin Mary which is fully accepted by the Catholic Church, as well as other virgins like Guadalupe in Mexico, etc. This has a main veneration center which is located in the parish of Santa Rosa in Barquisimeto, it is known as the patron saint of the FANB militia (the Bolivarian National Armed Force) and its event is held every year without fail on the 14 from January. Source      Everything has its origin in Spain in the year 1700 AD, it is there

4- Día mundial del agua-World water day

 ¿What is it?        In some countries such as the United States, a few in Latin America and others in Europe, the so-called water day or wild water day is celebrated, in honor of this precious and vital liquid that causes life on the planet, more than a celebration is an awareness because some think that water is the most important resource on the entire planet for two reasons; 1: you cannot live without it and 2: it is a scarce resource, only 5% of the water on planet earth is sweet and considerably non-renewable because it is well known that many things in the economy of a country or natural human consumption , requires drinking water that, when not receiving a correct treatment, becomes unconsumable. For these and many more reasons, such as the environment in which we live, world water day is celebrated, people are made aware of its correct use and application, thus being an educational tour of schools, colleges and workplaces a common way to celebrate it. But other more daring co

5- Teacher's day

¿What is it?      The teacher's, depending on the country are all those celebrations that are held to commemorate teachers those men and women who taught, disciplined, educated and turned young people into graduates and graduates into graduates for many years. those who commented on the bases of all civilization passing knowledge from generation to generation, were the cause of great professionals and those people who today lead and guide us, keep nations and countries stable, were educated by teachers, so Teachers are both considered to have a responsibility as great as that of a father or mother, but at the end of many those paths professionals or other people attribute all their achievements to themselves, thus discrediting all the work of teachers, it is That is why every year in commemoration of the important work carried out by teachers, a holiday is celebrated I live, honoring these professionals who gave their lives to teaching and enlightening the minds

6- World evariomental education day

¿What is it?      This day unfolds in a way that is quite similar to World Water Day, since both try to generate in people a pinch of love for the planet we share, to learn to take care of it and above all, to remind everyone that our planet is not He is completely healthy, and it would be very cruel of us to let life itself destroy his only means of living.      It is normally celebrated on January 26, with the main objective of identifying the problem, and raising awareness about it, at the same time that environmental conservation measures are proposed and taught, which when fully adopted by the population, would generate a change radical in the ecosystem and our environment.             In addition, this day seeks to identify through education, the interaction relations of the environment with man, worrying about promoting a harmonious and healthy interaction between the environment and human activities, which is beneficial for both but with an emphasis o

7- World day to fight cancer

¿What is it?        World Cancer Day, a special day that is celebrated on February 4, and is promoted by the WHO (World Health Organization), the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) and the IUAC ( International Union Against Cancer), this special day aims to raise awareness and educate society to progress in the prevention and control of cancer, a terrible disease that develops abnormal cells, which divide, grow and spread uncontrollably in any part of the body, which has taken with me thousands of lives of sick people that, since there is no cure, vaccine or medicine that efficiently heals the patient, many consider it the worst curse that a person can receive, but the worst of this disease is that it is very common because it is only necessary to activate the cancer cells that we all have in our bodies with contracting it, and the most accessible and popular healing means that exists You, chemotherapy, is expensive and sometimes causes more damage than th

8- Conclusion

     As can be seen in all the work developed and prepared through the Blogger platform, English is a language very rich in grammar, and has a certain complexity that makes it a wonderful language to learn, also many consider it as the next world language , because it has become very popular around the globe, thanks in part to the American economy that has spread throughout the world and also to its culture that has transcended borders, making the language a regular feature in the daily lives of many people from non-English speaking countries.      It should be noted that the English language is certainly similar to Spanish, they have certain very similar grammatical particles and those main subject of the work are not the exception, the prepositions have many similarities between Spanish and English which allows an easy understanding by part of the learners to bilingual, as a great teacher once said, the best way to learn is to practice with those who already know, transferring that t

9- Bibliography

            The content consulted for the realization of this blog was achieved in part through pedagogical means, and on the part of certain websites, pages, etc. that I will show below. Which will be of great help if you want to check the origin of the content or if you want to acquire more knowledge and find out more about this great and beautiful language. * www.language4you.com *  englishlive.ef.com * www.lingoda.com * www.abaenglish.com * www.thelondoner.me *  https://enterate24.com/14-de-enero-se-celebra-el-dia-de-la-divina-pastora/ * www.venezuelatuya.com * www.efemeridesvenezolanas.com * https://www.un.org/es/observances/water-day * https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%ADa_del_maestro * Día Mundial de la Educación Ambiental - Unellez * http://www.azulambientalistas.org/ *  www.diainternacionalde.com *  https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008#Conmemoraciones_y_fiestas  * https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%ADa_Mundial_contra_el_C%C3%A1ncer