6- World evariomental education day

¿What is it?

     This day unfolds in a way that is quite similar to World Water Day, since both try to generate in people a pinch of love for the planet we share, to learn to take care of it and above all, to remind everyone that our planet is not He is completely healthy, and it would be very cruel of us to let life itself destroy his only means of living.

     It is normally celebrated on January 26, with the main objective of identifying the problem, and raising awareness about it, at the same time that environmental conservation measures are proposed and taught, which when fully adopted by the population, would generate a change radical in the ecosystem and our environment.
     In addition, this day seeks to identify through education, the interaction relations of the environment with man, worrying about promoting a harmonious and healthy interaction between the environment and human activities, which is beneficial for both but with an emphasis on nature, knowing that most environmental problems are a consequence of the poor development of human activities, that the environment has had to pay at a high cost, in this way the world day of environmental education, awareness to the population of the state of our planet , caused by current pollution problems, and seeks to promote through the pedagogical environment a man relationship, a stable and healthy environment for both, in order to protect nature, and both we and future generations enjoy a healthy and stable environment in which to live.


     Every January 26 is celebrated the day of environmental education, which originates in 1975, after the celebration in Belgrade (Capital of the Republic of Serbia), an international environmental education seminar was held, and more than 70 countries participated. It is here where the principles of environmental education were raised in the programs of the United Nations, thus creating the Belgrade Charter, where the fundamental demands of environmental education were expressed. All this had a consequence in the development of the world day of environmental education, proposing in this way to collaborate in the protection of the environment and was now adopted by hundreds of countries that share the desire to purge the world of human contamination.


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